Aug 28, 2009

Right reaction key to avoiding dog attack

When animals threaten
By Jennifer L. Johnson | | Story updated at 11:14 pm on 8/22/2009

John Cooper used to walk a mile and a half to the local gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes - until he crossed paths with a 70-pound black lab.

"I had no idea what to do," said Cooper, 27. "I tried to pass him, but he snapped and took a step toward me."

Cooper did the only thing he could think of - he yelled at the dog.

"That's the worst thing you can do," said Christy Champagne, a supervisor at the Athens-Clarke Animal Control shelter. Making yourself appear more of a threat doesn't help diffuse the situation. She also advises people not to tempt an animal's instincts by fleeing in fear.

"If you're running, obviously they're going to chase you," said Champagne. "They're dogs."

Cooper did run and the dog did chase him - for a block or two.

"I never walked to the store again and I quit smoking after that," said Cooper. "It scared the hell out of me."

The animal shelter where Champagne works has been getting a lot of calls from people afraid of aggressive dogs since an Oglethorpe County couple were killed last weekend by a pack of feral dogs. People are worried they might find themselves in a situation like Cooper did and not know what to do.

But there are signs you can look out for to help avoid a confrontation with a dog, said Kate Jackson, a certified dog trainer and one of the owners of Jabula Dog Academy in Decatur.

"The most blatant sign is a lack of general sociability," said Jackson. "If a dog doesn't seek out positive human interaction, they're more than likely not going to tolerate any negative reactions from humans at all."

If a dog doesn't immediately soften its body language and try to approach you in a relaxed way, that dog has the potential to bite you, according to Jackson.
If a dog becomes rigid and or tries to maintain eye contact, be wary.

"A lot of people think if a dog is not growling and barking at them, it's not threatening," said Jackson. "It's even more dangerous for a dog to stand dead still and stare at you."

People often believe - wrongly - that a wagging tail is a green light to approach a dog.

"Don't trust the tail," said Jackson. All the swish means is that the dog's level of arousal - aggression, excitability or adrenaline - has increased.

"You should always be cautious around any dog that is unfamiliar," said Champagne, who warns that any dog has the capacity to bite, regardless of breed.

After you've identified the signs that an animal may be dangerous, the most important thing to do is defuse the situation.

First, remain calm and slow down your movement.

Animal control officers teach children to act like trees when meeting unfamiliar canines. Standing still with arms flat to your sides is a non-threatening stance that even adults should use with new animals.

That doesn't mean you should be stiff, said Jackson. Stay as relaxed as possible, because rigid body language tells a dog that you're unapproachable and a potential threat, according to Jackson. If the dog's behavior does not change, keep your eyes on the ground and slowly walk away. Never run and do not scream.

Sometimes a confrontation is unavoidable.

Some experts, including Champagne, suggest carrying a walking stick. Jackson disagrees and recommends carrying pepper spray instead. A shot to the dog's eyes or nose should immediately disable him, as it would a person.

Since Lothar and Sherry Schweder were attacked by a pack of dogs not far from their home, some callers have said that they worry about groups of wild dogs in their neighborhoods, Champagne said.

Serious dog attacks are rare, and many feral dogs will not get close to people, she said.

Still, people who encounter an aggressive dog or group of dogs should call authorities after danger passes, the experts said. It's the best way to protect yourself from a potentially dangerous dog and may also help protect your neighbors.
Follow the same advice when you encounter a group of dogs or an individual dog, the experts say.

"Your body language should say to a dog, 'I'm not challenging you, I'm not a threat to you, I'm going to defuse (the situation) and try to leave you alone,' " said Jackson.

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Sunday, August 23, 2009

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