Aug 28, 2009

Building bridges on the Clarkston campus

by Jennifer Johnson
The Collegian
Issue date: 8/11/08

The bridge that connects the upper level of a new four-level 500-space parking deck to the concrete walk-way directly behind H-building on the Clarkston campus has been completed.

Construction efforts also include the renovation of the entry way to the bottom of H-building, which currently houses the Nursing Department(as well as classrooms and instructor offices), and a new paved walkway between H-building and the tennis courts that leads to other classroom buildings.

According to Lewis C. Godwin, architect and director of Campus Planning and Projects at GPC, as reported in The Collegian October 2007, the design of the parking deck will allow 500 additional spaces to be added at a later date.

At press time, the shiny red bridge had been erected, though the gap between the bridge and the stone-flanked entrance to Clarkston campus had not yet been completed. In October 2007, Godwin estimated that completion of the project was scheduled for this month.

As the papers have hit the stands, the new parking structure has been opened to students and staff, right on schedule.

Currently, there are two ways to access the new parking deck; the first is by entering the stadium parking lot owned by DeKalb County on Memorial College Ave., after the entrances to GPC parking lots 3 and 5. This parking lot, however, is in dire need of repair, with its wide and unavoidable gaps in
broken concrete.

The second access point to the deck is the entrance from Memorial Drive that GPC shares with neighboring DeKalb Technical College.

However, a more convenient entrance is being planned, which would connect traffic from the busy street off of I-285 to the parking deck for easy access to the campus.

Look to the September edition of The Collegian for news of Dunwoody campus's newest construction projects.

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