Aug 28, 2009

Red Cross Blood Drives make difference

by Jennifer Johnson
The Collegian
Issue date: 2/1/08

The Georgia Perimeter College-Dunwoody Health and Wellness Program sponsored a Red Cross Blood Drive on Jan. 28 in which it offered an opportunity for students, faculty staff, and community members to donate blood. The Blood Drive took place in the Student Center located in the B building between noon and 5 p.m.

Ashley Atherton, Coordinator of the GPC Dunwoody Health and Wellness Program, organized the event.

"College students are regular donors," said Atherton. "Having a Blood Drive in a college campus is a convenience factor for students, and it is easier for them to fit it in their busy schedules."

During the Blood Drive donors received a free Chik-Fil-A sandwich, snacks, and a t-shirt. Other Blood Drives were organized at Clarkson and Decatur Campuses as well.
In order to be a qualified donor, you must be at least 17 years old, weight a minimum of 110 pounds, and be in good health. If you have a tattoo done in Ga., there is a waiting period of one year before you can donate blood.

There are also other factors that may affect your eligibility to donate based on your health history. For additional information, visit the Red Cross at

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