Aug 28, 2009

Oconee to pay for use of well

Private water source
By Jennifer L. Johnson | | Story updated at 11:18 am on 7/6/2009

WATKINSVILLE - Oconee County will pay a former commissioner for some of the well water the community has drawn from his well over the past 15 years - though only a fraction of what he proposed.

"I have never asked for anything. If y'all would give me something for it, that'd be great. I could sure use it," William "Bubber" Wilkes told Oconee County commissioners.

Commission Chairman Melvin Davis had suggested to Wilkes that he ask to be reimbursed for his well water and urged him to present a figure to the commission, according to Wilkes. Wilkes initially suggested $2,700, but in the end, commissioners agreed on a much smaller amount: about $674.

Commissioners John Daniell and Jim Luke objected to the size of the payment, because Wilkes and the county never had a formal agreement about taking water from Wilkes' well for a transfer station on Georgia Highway 15. The water primarily was used for restrooms at the transfer station, located across the street from the farm that has been in Wilkes' family more than 50 years.

Wilkes said he offered his family's water - with no strings attached - so the county would not have to drill another well.

"I've never demanded anything, and I'm not demanding anything now," he said.
When asked, Utility Department Director Chris Thomas estimated Oconee County would have paid $5,000 to $10,000 to drill a well, and that at today's costs, Wilkes' bored well would have cost about $2,000 to $2,500.

"We're a county that likes to be fair," Luke said. "I would pay Mr. Wilkes back four years of payments. The county would have gotten a heck of a deal."

The statute of limitations only would extend to four years if Wilkes were to take legal action, commissioners said last week.

Commissioner Chuck Horton, who took Wilkes' seat on the Board of Commissioners, called for the motion that reimbursed the 20-year veteran of the board for his water.
Wilkes, who now works as a security officer at Athens Regional Medical Center, said he is satisfied with the board's decision to pay him the current monthly charge for well water for the past four years, which comes out to about $674.

Editor's note: The reimbursement figure initially suggested by Wilkes was incorrectly reported in a previous version of this story. Wilkes suggested he be reimbursed $2,700.

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Monday, July 06, 2009

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