Aug 28, 2009

Clarkston Student Life finds new ways to get you fit

by Jennifer Johnson
The Collegian
Issue date: 10/6/08

Clarkston's Student Life office is coming up with new and interesting ways to encourage students to incorporate healthy activities and behaviors into their lives.
One of these ways was a free belly dancing class held during the Clarkston Club Fair on Sept. 10 in the new College center.

The event drew many more spectators than participants as dancing instructors taught simple techniques and low-impact moves. Participants shook their belly dancing hip scarves for more than an hour between classes, laughing and enjoying themselves in the process. Students expressed a desire to attend events like these in the future, and Student Life is providing.

Upcoming events include the African Diaspora, a presentation of African dance, on Oct. 8 at 12:30p.m. in the College Center, with a second presentation later in the month. Stay after the show for a chance to try your hand at some of the dances presented. Also scheduled: Self-defense classes in the gym on Oct. 16 & 30 at 12:15p.m., Family Night on Oct. 11 at the Galaxy Funplex Theater in South DeKalb Mall, where students can see the movie I, Chihuahua in the late afternoon. A Casino Night on Clarkston campus is also in the works, and will be announced soon.

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