Nov 25, 2009

New chapter for old Winterville building with opening of bookstore

By Jennifer L. Johnson
Published Tuesday, November 24, 2009

WINTERVILLE - The people running the newest shop in Winterville know they won't be able to pay their workers a dime this holiday season, but that's OK.
The proceeds from every sale at the Front Porch Bookstore will be donated to the Winterville Library.

"One hundred percent of the profits goes right back to the library," said bookstore Manager Ron Wetherbee, a volunteer with the nonprofit Friends of the Winterville Library. "Nobody gets any money, and the library gets every penny."

The bookstore opened ahead of schedule in preparation for its grand opening Dec. 4, the evening of the Christmas in Winterville holiday celebration at Pittard Park.

The used books sold at the store are modestly priced, from a quarter for mass-market paperbacks to $3 for hardbacks. Things like audio books, DVDs and special collections cost a little more, depending on the item.

The bookstore is on Marigold Lane, just off the square in a tiny single-room house crowded with wooden bookshelves and a few rocking chairs in front of the children's section.

The Winterville City Council offered the former city hall building to the Friends after Mayor Jim Mercer saw a small bookstore in another state operated by a group supporting its local library.

Most libraries sell some books at once- or twice-a-year book sales, but those fundraisers don't have the consistency of a full-time, full-fledged store.

"When we got this opportunity, all the Friends thought it was a great idea, so we all just came together and got it going," said Friends President Jan Mazzucco. "Hopefully, we will make more money by having a continual store, rather than just selling books at the Marigold Festival."

The council had the empty building refurbished, added a coat of paint and acquired a few shelves that Wetherbee repaired. The city is paying for the electricity and isn't charging the group to use the building.

"The city council is 100 percent behind us," said Wetherbee, who founded the Friends of the Winterville Library in 1998.

"(The bookstore) helps the city, because the building is in use, and we're donating money and support to the library - things they would have to pay for out of their budget."

Some Wintervillians are just glad there's now a bookstore in their community.

"The community really needs a place where we can go to get a book," said Martha Beach. "This is a good thing for Winterville, and I hope it succeeds."

Susan Reese and her 13-year-old daughter, Lizzy, recently brought in three boxes of books they hope their neighbors might want. "It benefits everyone. There is no downside to this."

Winterville Librarian Lizz Bernstein put out the word that the new store is looking for donations to fill the shelves, according to Reese.

"This really represents Winterville - not just the brick and the mortar and the wood, but reusing the historical buildings," Reese said. "They're giving back to the community, and not just financially."

Before the store opened, the 1,500-square-foot library had only enough room to display a handful of titles for sale. Now with the new designated space, Front Porch Books can accommodate a few thousand books.

Wetherbee has been to about 20 homes in and around Winterville in the past few weeks to pick up book donations - fiction, self-help, travel, biography, children's books and romance novels.

Martha Beach was the first paying customer when the store opened Nov. 9. Wetherbee framed the dollar she spent and put it on the wall behind the register - only to be perplexed later that night when recounting the drawer. When Wetherbee realized why he was $1 off, he replaced the money with a bill from his wallet.

Wetherbee has given a lot more than that to help the bookstore open its doors.

Aside from the time he's donated to fixing bookshelves, fetching books from people's homes and manning the store, Wetherbee has recruited his family to help. His brother, sister-in-law and wife have shelved books, hung Christmas decorations and painted signs, and all are picking up hourlong shifts when the need arises.

The new bookstore is staffed by volunteers and always needs more, according to Wetherbee.

Potential volunteers may call (706) 372-1236 or e-mail

The bookstore is open during the same hours as the library, in part because there are no restroom facilities in the one-room building. Front Porch will be closed Wednesday and Thursday for the holiday. While the store normally will be closed on Fridays, it will open Dec. 4 from 5 to 8 p.m. to celebrate its official grand opening.

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