Sep 29, 2010

Council weighs raises vs. library

By Jennifer L. Johnson -
Published Wednesday, September 29, 2010

WINTERVILLE - City councilmen are considering whether to provide annual raises for city employees or allocate more money to the local library, a hotly debated question that came up after they'd already adopted next year's budget.

Under the current economic conditions, the council's two-member finance committee opted not to give 4 percent raises, a perk that's not based on performance but had become customary for the past several years, Councilman Mark Farmer told colleagues at a meeting last week.

Doing away with the raises doesn't mean that city employees aren't doing a good job, according to Councilman Rob McNiff.

But some council members were angry that the changes made to the budget were not discussed earlier this month, when city leaders voted to accept the budget.

"In the 10 years that I've been on (the) City Council, we've discussed every comma and semicolon that's been changed," said Councilman Kenneth Tweedell. "I can't believe nobody brought this to our attention."

The $4,000 that would have gone to raises instead was allocated to the Winterville Library, part of the Athens Regional Library System, which is absorbing a $53,000 drop in state funding this year and anticipates another $50,000 budget cut next year.

"I'm on the (Winterville) library board of directors. I know we need money at the library," said Bob White. "But not at the expense of city employees. These people work their hearts out for the city, and we need to pay them fairly."

The council reviewed what the city already contributes to the library - including the $18,000 that's already budgeted, electricity costs and insurance - to figure out if the city should contribute more money.

Although Winterville can't legally amend the $513,757 operating budget after it has been adopted, line items and dollar amounts within the budget can be adjusted, meaning city leaders could cut library funding and reinstate the raises.

The council will revisit the issue at an agenda workshop set for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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