Jul 6, 2010


As any first grader will tell you, the Fourth of July is Independence Day, a day when Americans celebrate the beginning of our great democracy.

This year, I celebrated the beginning of a freedom the likes of which I've never know. I truly feel like I can fly, because a man that I'm madly in love with asked me to start a life with him by asking one very important question.

I said yes, of course! (Dropped my coffee cup and everything!)

On the morning of July 4, Jeffrey and I got breakfast at Big City Bread here in Athens, got coffee at Jittery Joe's and headed down to Bear Hollow Trail, a free zoo-ish nature walk in ACC Leisure Service's Memorial Park. After taking in a few black bear cubs, owls, deer, a woodchuck, and two American Bald Eagles (perfect on Independence Day!), Jeffrey and I stopped above the adult Black Bear enclosure. There, after some sweet kisses and even sweeter words, Jeffrey got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

I couldn't be any happier!


  1. I was browsing blogs and found yours. Wow. This has to be the lamest most retarded blog I have ever seen - and I've seen one on retarded kids. Please, I beg you. Stop writing. I am glad you found someone who is fond of mentally retarded children. GL.

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