Sep 2, 2009

Credibility is all in the digging

Being a conscientious reporter is an especially tedious endeavor at the moment.

I'm waiting for a call back from a Civil War historian or a researcher at the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History in Kennesaw (whomever contacts me first) to double-check the verity of an anecdotal lead involving a dead guy, a railroad line and a defunct (or then-temporary) Confederate Hospital in Union Point, which may also have been called Scruggsville at the time.

Sure, I could shrug my shoulders, say, 'what the hell', and proceed with my story the way it is. 'So what,' I could say. 'A Civil War historian gets bent out of shape because I confused the railroad track that went into a little city in North--

Oh. There. The phone.

Apparently, I had it wrong... good thing I checked.

It took some digging and a few phone calls, but I think it was worth it to retain a reader that might have gotten bent out of shape over fallacies in an anecdotal lead.

Maybe being a conscientious reporter isn't quite as tedious an endeavor as I thought...

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