Jun 22, 2010

200,000 blows against hunger

By Jennifer L. Johnson - news@onlineathens.com
Published Friday, June 18, 2010

Hundreds of volunteers work Thursday to pack enough food for 200,000 meals at the Classic Center during the annual Methodist conference. Photo by Richard Hamm.

The crash of a gong reverberated through the Classic Center every 15 minutes Thursday, causing the crowd to cheer.

They knew the sound meant another 5,000 children would be fed.

In town for the annual meeting of the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church, volunteers from across the state worked to package 200,000 meals for hungry children Thursday.

Sponsored with an anonymous $50,000 donation to the feeding group Stop Hunger Now, teens and adults crowded around long tables and worked in an assembly line to measure and package dehydrated meals that will go next week to feed school children in Nicaragua.

"It's a tremendously efficient way to carry out our mission to God's hurting people," said Lance Sligar, a convention delegate from Norcross.

Sligar participated in one of five two-hour packing sessions when 100 to 300 volunteers at a time boxed up 40,000 meals each session.

The prepackaged meals of rice, vegetables, soy protein and chicken flavoring include 21 essential vitamins and minerals chosen especially for malnourished people.

Each reusable plastic bag provides servings for six people, has a shelf life of three to five years and costs about 25 cents to make.

Each time a pallet of 5,000 meals was ready to be carted to a waiting truck, event organizers banged a gong, but volunteers' cheers quickly drowned out the sound.

"Each time I hear the gong, it makes me want to do more, go faster," said Ariana Allison, 15, who came with an enrichment program at her Atlanta high school to participate.

Stop Hunger Now tried to inspire that kind of enthusiasm.

"What we're trying to do here is create a sense of excitement," said founder and President Ray Buchanan. "When these people go back to their church, they'll want to work to end hunger abroad and in their own communities, and that's how we're going to change the world."

About 90 percent of the meals Stop Hunger Now packages go to schools, while the remaining 10 percent gets distributed in disaster areas. The organization already had more than 1.5 million packaged meals on the ground in schools in Haiti before the country's devastating earthquake in January. Those meals were immediately distributed to victims, along with 4.5 million more the group was able to send in the first few weeks following the disaster.

Each organization that receives meals from Stop Hunger Now is vetted by the group in a four-month process that ensures shipments will reach the people the group has agreed to feed, according to program coordinator Mickey Horner. Adequate storage and access to clean water also is necessary because the food is dehydrated.

The Methodist conference gave the opportunity for a massive Stop Hunger Now project, but local people and churches already work to feed people here.

"There are several churches and organizations here in Athens that feed the hungry in their own backyard," said John Page, associate pastor at Athens First United Methodist Church. Page worked over the past six months to pull together volunteers and resources for the event. "Hopefully, this will help connect them to the need to feed the hungry internationally, too."

While the Methodists packed meal boxes for three of Thursday's sessions, Athens locals manned the other two shifts.

Betty King, 64, learned about the project from HandsOn Northeast Georgia and drove to Athens from her home in Lexington.

"I was thinking of how many thousands of meals we were making, and it's just amazing," King said. "I packaged food before in Oglethorpe County, but I've never seen anything like this."

Holly Haynes, 32, came with 30 volunteers from Grove Level Baptist Church in Maysville after her youth pastor told her about the event.

"There are a lot of children that are going to be fed now," said Haynes, who has two young daughters at home in Baldwin. "As a mother, that's a good feeling."

Thursday's event was the largest that the Raleigh, N.C.-based hunger relief group has hosted in Georgia in its 12-year history. Smaller events at churches and Rotary clubs with around 40 volunteers have sent 10,000 meals to schools and disaster areas across the world. Stop Hunger Now plans to open an Atlanta facility by summer's end that will help local groups raise the money for the packaged meals.

"We could package a lot more meals mechanically, but the only way we're going to end hunger is to create a movement," Buchanan said. "These volunteers now have the beginnings of an education that can make a big difference at home and abroad."

Stop Hunger Now plans to hold another packaging event at next year's conference in Athens, though it may be the last for the Methodist conference if organizers determine the Classic Center isn't big enough for the group.

Roughly 2,800 people attend the conference each year, and organizers are using every available space in the Classic Center and its adjacent building.

"We're happy to be in Athens for this conference. The city is so receptive, and we hope in some small way we can be a blessing back to the community," Page said.

Information about organizing your own Stop Hunger Now event can be found at www.stophungernow.org/Atlanta.

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Friday, June 18, 2010

Jun 2, 2010

Good grades earn swims

By Jennifer L. Johnson

Published Saturday, May 29, 2010

The last local students walked out of the schoolhouse doors this week, but they shouldn't put away their report cards just yet.

Those good grades still can make a big splash at local pools.

The Athens-Clarke Leisure Services Department rewards students in kindergarten through 12th grade for their school-year work by giving them free swimming passes for the community pools opening this weekend.

The pools at Bishop Park and Memorial Park will open for Memorial Day weekend starting today. The East Athens Community Center, Lay Park and Rocksprings Park pools will open Tuesday for the regular summer season.

Admission costs $1 per person, and individual season passes cost $20.

Leisure Services' good grades reward program has been around since 2006, but not many people know about it, according to Myla Neal, administrator of the department's recreation division.

"We don't usually have as many kids as should be taking advantage of this," said Neal, who supervises all the pools' operations. "The most we've ever had taking advantage of the program is about 25 kids a year."

All children who live in Clarke County - whether they go to public or private school - can earn swim cards. Even home-schoolers can get in on the action.

"Because home-schoolers don't have the grades that public school kids have, their parents have to call us so we can work something out," Neal said. "We want all the kids who want to swim to be able to use the swim cards."

Getting a swim card is easy. All kids have to do is bring their final report card to one of the five pools in Clarke County on the first day they want to swim. The pool clerk will review the grades, determine how many free swims kids get and give each student a punch card. Kids swim for free until their swim card is punched out.

Figuring out how grades translate into free swims is a little trickier this summer, because the Clarke County School District changed its grading system in the past year. Instead of A's, B's and C's, some report cards have their equivalent - E's, M's, and P's.

A report card with all A's or E's gets a free summer pool pass with unlimited swims. A report card with all A's and B's (or all E's and M's) is good for 16 free swims, and a report card with all A's, B's and no more than two C's (or P's) is good for eight free swims for the summer.

Kids can bring their report cards at any time during the summer season for their free swim card.

For more information about the report card reward program, visit the website www.accleisureservices.com/aquatics.
Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cycling safety course created

A cyclist with Clarke Central High School’s cycling team rides last month in Athens. Photo by David Manning.

by Jennifer L. Johnson

Published Monday, May 31, 2010

Lots of people learn to get around on two wheels by the time they're 6 years old, but that doesn't mean their bicycling education should end there.

A group of University of Georgia graduate students have created an online bike safety course for BikeAthens, a group that advocates for alternate transportation.

"Bikes are different than cars because they're human-powered and small, but they're vehicles under Georgia state law, and they need to operate under the same traffic laws cars do," said BikeAthens co-chairman Brent Buice.

A spring semester project brought together three grad students in the university's learning, design and technology program, where students are expected to create Web-based instructional materials for real-world clients.

A BikeAthens board member had heard about the project requirement and thought the work could meet a BikeAthens need.

"A bike-safety module seemed the most valuable thing for the community, because there was nothing out there that we could find, even on a national level," Buice said.

The free safety course - 36 slides of biking do's and don'ts - incorporates videos, text and interactive quizzes to teach viewers about situations they might encounter while riding in urban areas like Athens.

"Essentially, these are defensive-driving techniques for cyclists," Buice said.

The online course teaches riders how to do a 30-second safety check of a bike before riding, how to turn left in risky conditions and how to navigate safely around parallel-parked cars.

Students Clayton Shaw, Nicole Goddard and Julius Gantt polled riders on BikeAthens' e-mail listserv and Facebook page about trouble spots around town, places they find difficult to navigate.

"What we did was give them some ideas about the sort of things we were interested in, in general," said BikeAthens board member Jason Perry. "After that, the students came up with a lot of the safety information on their own."

The two groups got together to film riders in several locations over a two-day shoot, and BikeAthens helped tweak some of the information before the students turned in the project.

The students got an A, and the community got a good safety resource, Perry said. The safety course now is available for free on the BikeAthens' website, blog and Facebook page.

"I think this has been a win-win situation, because the students are getting real- world, résumé-ready, portfolio-ready work, and we're certainly getting a product that we couldn't have afforded had we paid for it in the market," Buice said.

The group plans to advertise the course in a UGA publication that is given to all incoming freshmen and transfer students at summer orientations.

"Athens tends to be a much more bike-friendly place than where these kids are coming from," Buice said. "Because Athens is so dense geographically, and because there are so many destinations that can be reached by foot or by bicycle, you see a lot more students using bikes. We want to be sure that all these new bikers use them safely and legally."

Buice would like to see the online course incorporated into a larger bike safety class for kids and adults that the nonprofit could hold at its permanent location. BikeAthens houses its bike repair and recycle program at its Chase Street warehouse, but the group needs more room, and is looking for an in-town spot with plenty of space to fix up bikes and become a teaching facility for new and experienced riders.

To take the free online bike safety course, visit www.bikeathens.com.
Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Monday, May 31, 2010